
Showing posts from May, 2023

write a long apology

 I'm sorry to all the people who don't have everything they wanted in life and feel helpless. I'm sorry to all the people I have said hurtful things to out of anger. I'm sorry to my friends for not seeing them more. I'm sorry to the people have snapped on and made you feel bad. I'm sorry to all the people who have been hurt the new laws and bans in America. I'm sorry to my future for having to come to a world that is scary and not always in your favor. I'm sorry to the people fighting for their life's in hospitals right now. I'm sorry for all the wrong doing I've caused to myself and ones around me. 

write about a gift that was not well received

 When getting someone perfume or deodorant for a present will never be received well. I will always start an argument or make them overthink. You can try to explain but it will probably never work. I think you should get someone those things when they ask for it or they just really like perfume. 

Last day

 Today was the last day but I didn't stay at school because I had a bad migraine. I wanted to stay because of my junior activities but I was in too much pain. School has been a mixture of good and bad but I'm just glad it's over and done with. There's to the next two months of recovery and chilling. :)

Write about something that doesn't get better

 The government spending of the US money. We are so much debt from years and years ago. I honestly don't think we will come out of debt because some say we don't even know who were paying too. I think we need to pay ourselves and stay out of foreign conflicts. We would greatly benefit from this. 

Write about what you'd planned to do

 I plan to go to college to get my doctorate's degree and become a therapist. After a few years of working for a company I want to have my own office. I will hire good therapist who I trust and they will work for me and help me out. I'll have a good environment for my patients so they will feel comfortable to tell me and the therapist all the need. 

Write about something that was too small/too big

 The amount of chips in the big bags!!! I think if you're buying a big like that then the amount of chips you get should be more than that. It only fills up half of the bag. And you eat it in 20 seconds or less because of the small amount of chips. 

Write about a question you wished you'd asked

 A question I wished I would've asked was "will you go out with me?" I liked one of my friends and I was planning on asking them out because I noticed the feels were mutual but I never did it. I was too nervous I scared I would ruin our friendship. I've talked too a few of my closest friends about it and they all said I should have asked. I'm over it now but I wish I asked that question cuz I feel things would be a little different 

write about someone you forgot

I forgot about one of my closest friend from elementary school. After elementary school she went to another school and we lost contact. We still had a mutual friend so I would ask them how she's doing all the time. We never really talked throughout middle school but we have recently started talking more and I'm pretty happy about that. Of course we've both changed in many ways but were still the same people from elementary just more mature.  

write about having no fun at all

Today was a Junior activity day for me. I had a really bad migraine so I left early cuz I was in a lot of pain. It always sucks when I get a migraine but not being able to talk and have fun with my friends hurts the most. I tried to stick it out a little but it didn't work. And it went home a little sad but I knew I made the right decision to leave. 

write about when you knew something was over (or had begun)

When I hurt my ankle i knew I was going to be out of sports for a while. I'm still out of sports right now and I'm having to work on my ankle getting it back to how it was. When tennis season rolled around I knew I would to get clear but my ankle was still hurting so I wasn't able to get cleared and I had to wear and boot. I knew it was pretty much over after it happened and the beginning of a long recovery period. 

write about something you are certain of

I'm very certain that if I continue on this path that I will get everything I want and need in life. My only goal is to be somewhere I'm content and stable. I won't have to worry about much and I can gladly help other when needed. I can buy both my mom and dad anything when they ask for it. My kids won't have to worry about eating. And I'm happy and able to do what I want and when I please. 

write a long thank you letter

 Thank you to all the teachers who have helped me get to where I am today. Thank you to my mom and dad for pushing me to do all the sports i want and teaching me to never give up even when it feels hard. Thank you to my friends for helping me get through the hard times and for listening when I need it most. Thank you myself for having a strong mindset and helping others. Thank you to me auntie for teaching me the both wrong and right in this world. Thank you to the artist I love so much Billie Eilish for being herself and talking about things that really matter in the world of teens. Thank you to music for helping me when I'm stressed or just a little out of it that day. I'm just really thankful for everything in my life. :)

write about all the secrets that have been kept from you

 In 6th grade, I knew my mom and sister were looking for a house but they never told me many details about it. And I remember going to school that and thinking it was just going to be another day where I stayed all day and went home with homework. I never was checked out early so when the phone rang I thought nothing of it and when the teacher said I was getting checked out I thought something may have been wrong. So when I get in the car my mom tells me whats the reason. And it was because we were on the way to sign for the keys to our new house. And I'm not sure I have any other secrets. 

write about a secret being revealed

 In the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the watergates scandal was exposed. Basically, he made some of his men steal from the democrats. And they security walking around notice something in the door and removed it going on with his shift. The men saw that it was removed and placed it back and thats how they got caught. Reagan denied knowing about it but many people didnt believe him. It was a long process with getting evidence but all was revealed 

write about what you used to know how to do

 I used to know how to be really good at talking about my feelings. I've always been a open person but I think as I've gotten older I find it harder to find a person who will actually listen and care. I listen and care about people all the time and of course there will be that one person who will listen but do they really care is my big question. I've become closed off because sometimes I feel that I will share too much. But i'm honestly working on it. 

write about something you don't exactly remember

 My 5th birthday. I remember like small parts. I remember my dad in some shorts and I remember my mom in a dress I believe. I don't exactly remember the cake I had either it was chocolate or vanilla. And I can't really remember my gifts or what I was wearing.

write about when you knew you were in trouble

 For example, when you break a vase that your mother got as a gift from your grandma. Your mother tells you everyday to not touch the vase and to not play ball in the house. One day, she lets you bring your friends over for the weekend and she's going to work on the weekend but your used to it. So your friend get the idea to play baseball in the house of course you were on the fence about it but you do it anyways. And you swing the bat and it hits the vase. You get that deep feeling and you just know your in trouble as soon as she walks through that door. 

write about what you have too much of

 I have too much over doubt. I think it only happens when I know I can do it but I'm not really sure. It's like I know I can do it just part of me is scared I'm going to mess up and embarrass myself.  Then I start to overthink and freak myself out.  

write about something you can't deny

 I think we can't deny that if we don't work on ourselves and the world more our future may not look too pretty. Right now, I would say the world can be "fixed" if we work on it. And what I mean by "fixed' is just make it a better place for the next people to come and live a good life. We have to work on ourselves first and then our relationships with others and finally the way the world is. 

write about something/someone being born

 I don't remember a lot of it but when my niece Aubree was born my sister was living in Savannah at the time. She planned to move back down after and I don't remember much but I do remember holding her for the first time and just admiring her. I thought she was cute and sweet. And still feel that way a little now. 

write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaningless

 I would say I've obsessed over diet coke. I found it really meaningless like just because it has less calories means nothing honestly cuz it's still a sugar drink. Sodas in general are not good for you but having to be called "diet" coke is even more meaningless. It's calling water "diet" water. It's already healthy for you so why call it diet you know.

write about a time when you'd dressed inappropriately for the occasion

Winter has never been my favorite season mostly because it's hard to dress for sometimes. I remember That sometimes I wear only ONE hoodies/jacket and it is really cold outside. I really struggle with this for some reason because one some days it can be a little warmer but the next day when I wear one hoodie and it's freezing outside. And that was one time I didn't dress right for the occasion.  

One more day

Today was been a pretty good day. I wore a dress today. Everyone was really surprised about it and I have to be honest I kinda surprised myself. I didn't think I would walk out the house with it on but I did it. i do feel a bit exposed but I think that's only because I don't wear dresses often or at all really. Mr. Spence asked me if I was okay because I was wearing a dress. And I just told him that yeah I was fine and somethings changes happen. In fourth block, we finished the questions from yesterday about a show called Black Mirror . It was a really good show I found a lot of it very interesting. 


 Today was a pretty good day. I worked more on my project today and we had to switch something’s around but we good now I think. In fourth block, we finish watching inception and it was really good but it left on a cliff hanger tho. I loved the concept of the movie it really brings you in and holds you and makes you want to know what’s gonna happen next. And at the end of the day today I had softball tryouts… Well I didn’t really “tryout” cuz of my hurt ankle but I was throwing the ball. Also, we had a upcoming senior meeting which was nice i guess 

Last week

 Today was a pretty good day. I’m finishing a project for US History and I have to present on Thursday. We get extra credit for dressing up like a teacher and I definitely plan on doing that. Today in Mr. Rease class we finished watching in inception and it was really really good honestly. The concept of the movie is interesting in itself. 


 Today has been pretty good. I fell asleep in second period but I don’t feel completely well rested. In Mr. Rease class, we are watching a new movie and answering questions related to the movie. 


 Today was a pretty good. We finished the movie in Mr. Rease class. It was a pretty good movie but it was a little weird bc it was made in the 1960s. My grades are going up and I’m pretty happy about it. If I keep going then I’ll be good by the end of the two weeks hopefully. 

last two weeks

 today was a good day. I'm turning a lot of assignments and my grades are going back up. my GPA is what Im really concerned about because I want to get into a good college and having a 2.6 GPA is going to get me nowhere I want to go. Yesterday, i took the AP Lang test and it was pretty easy but im not sure i got a good grade on the essay. In Mr. Rease class today we watched a movie and answered some questions. 

Monday 5/1/23

 Today has been a pretty good day. I have a AP test on Friday can't say I have any excitement about that. I just hope I at least get a 2 or 3. If I get a 1 I might just cry because I know I understand some of the stuff the teachers teach. And I ask a lot of questions and I like to have deep conversations with the teachers about certain topics when I want a better understanding of the topic. Of course I don't do it on purpose I just be wanting to understand the lesson you know. And I've been told many times that I'm a very deep thinker and I can admit that I'm when I'm interested in the topic of course. Anyways... In Mr. Rease class today we're writing a argumentative essay. I hopefully I do better on this essay than I did on the last one. That one was trash cuz I was thinking too hard and then when Mr. Rease went over it with me I realized I could have almost finished if I wasn't thinking so hard about it honestly. I feel like I have to get to prefect bu