
Showing posts from March, 2023

3 days

 today was been a pretty good honestly. I finished my test for Coach Spence. I don't think I did good on the essay part because I never do. But I have some hope with the multiple choice part. I think I did a pretty good job... hopefully. Mr. Rease isn't here today so I'm so sure what we're doing in there. I hope its a chill day because I'm tired honestly man. I'm coming to school tomorrow but if my mom makes me than I have no choice but to coming. Anyways, spring break is next week!!!!

4 days

 Today was good day! I haven’t been stressed all week and I’m hoping to stays that way. I took a test in first period and I feel I got a good grade this time… hopefully. 

5 days

 Today has been pretty good. I finished the classwork packet for Mr. Spence!! This is the first time I’ve exactly finished everything in it! I’m proud of myself and now I’m ready for a break. It’s tiring working on that packet honestly. We’re testing in his class tomorrow so hopefully I pass. I’m working on the test review now so hopefully a good grade on the test brings my grade up a little bit more than where it is now. In fourth block, today we worked on two rhetorical devices. 

Six days

 Today was good. I’m sleepy but I’ll be good. I’ve been finishing up my work for Mr. Spence’s class. All I really have to do is finish my vocabulary then I’ll be finished. In fourth block I believe we have test on rhetorical devices. Did I study? No. Don’t want to fail? No. But I’m going to try and ask if we can do it tomorrow so I can be better prepared 


 Today was pretty good. The beginning and during the day was good but at the end from tennis was not very good. My ankle started to hurt bad. I’ve been walking on it for too long. And it just started hurting. It’s doing better but still hurts a little. In fourth block, we did some more rhetorical devices. Two more to be exact. Analogy and allusion. 


 Today was good. I’ve been writing since yesterday and my fingers hurt bad when I write now. Im trying to write softer but i don’t know how. Im staying on top of my work and that’s amazing and I hope it continues. Cuz I really want to pass this year. Im working on it. In fourth block, we listened to MLK’s I Have a Dream speech. And we identified the rhetorical devices in the speech. 


 Today was pretty good. My ankle hurts from paint balling Saturday. It’s getting a little better but I still hurts a little. I was sleepy all day. I’ve been doing my work all day for us history. I really have to get this work done so my grade can improve. I’m getting my grade up in Spanish as well. In fourth block today, we learned about rhetorical devices and we also learn more about rhetorical analysis. I have to be honest with me little bit more now, but I stayed wake so I learned some more about everything. 


 Today was good. I enjoy today even though it was cold nearly all day. I’m working on the grades still which is a good thing. The ones that I have to work on are going up slowly. In fourth block, we did an activity with multi choice answers. I enjoyed the activity but it made me think about it a lot. I guess I have to think a lot more before I choose my answer. Which I do but I’m going to have to think a little bit more now. 

Back to school

 Today was good. I enjoy it a lot. Even though towards the end was a little bad. Only because my ankle was hurting and I couldn’t find the bus until they were about to pull off. Ms. Armstrong is had surgery so she’s not able to drive us until her 6 weeks is over. In fourth block, we read an essay and annotated it. It was fun honestly because I like thinking hard and thinking deeply about things. 


 Today was pretty good even though most of it was spent in a car. I didn’t get to do any work today cause I didn’t bring my Chromebook but when I get home Sunday, I’ll do it. I started to get a headache when we went to Walmart here. I still have a headache but I’ll get through it. Anyways, we’re going to the competition tomorrow. Hopefully it’s fun and we have free time after so we’re going to do something fun… hopefully 

One more day

 Today was pretty good. It’s been a pretty good week so I’m happy about that. I haven’t been stressed out about anything. I’m trying to stay on up of my work in AP US History. Once I get behind one assignment it continues in a downward spiral. So I’m trying hard to keep it up. In fourth block, we went over the rubric for the essay we’re writing tomorrow. I’m still not sure I’m going to do good on this essay because during it I was out a lot for health reasons but I still got the work done. 

The Boot

 Today was pretty good. I got a boot for my ankle a few days ago. It still hurts a little in the boot but not too bad. In fourth block, we finished up our prompts. I’ve been finishing up work for my classes that I need my grade to improve in. I’m going to Tennessee this weekend for my cousins cheer competition. We’ve staying in the mountains and I’m so excited. I’m excited to have a break 


 Today was okay. I've been trying to finish the work for all my classes. I'm close but not close enough. I just have to work hard now that I have this time off because of my ankle. Oh and its been healing very slowly. I've been walking on it so I know its going to take longer if I continue. I just get so tired of the crutches that I just start walking and not caring. Of course I care but the crutches are getting in my way. In fourth block today we continued working on our annotated bibliography. I have some work to do on mine because I can't find original for two of my sources. So i'm going to get that done today cause I'd like to just chill this weekend and get some sleep I've been missing out on for the past couple of weeks. Hoping for a better week :)

Test day 3/1/23

 Today was pretty good. I had an exam in first period. It was okay I guess. I remembered some of the questions of the study guide but not all. I hopefully I get a good grade. I know it’s bad to aim for 70 or above but I really need it right now. 

Monday 2/27/23

 I was absent because of a bad migraine