
Showing posts from September, 2022

Picture day

 Today was a pretty good. I didn’t feel that stressed today. We had picture day today and I hated it because it had to be the day after I got hit in the face with a softball at practice. Luckily, the bump on my lip is not too notable but still it’s getting to very embarrassing when I look back at the pictures later. In fourth block, some people presented there one pagers. Everyone one else’s was a lot better than mine honestly. I just hope Mr. Rease’s thinks mine is interesting. I have to present tomorrow so I’m hoping for the best. 

Rockpile one pager



 Today was a pretty good day. I’ve been very tired all day. I didn’t get much sleep last night so that sucks but I pushed through. In fourth block, we did some notes on seven things of culture. (I can’t remember the whole title). Anyways, we also continued reading Fences and in the act we learned more about Troy’s past. It was more than I expected 

Sept 26 bell ringer

I don’t know much about the Latino Culture but I know they have a day of the died. They have different dances and festivals. I only the day of the died because of my Spanish class from last year. And it’s basically a day where the families of people who have passed away can celebrate their life and remember them. I want to know why some of the things they celebrate or have in their tradition exist. I want to know pretty much everything about their culture and the people in it 


 Today was a okay day. I was really tired today. Maybe my body is just really tired and I need a few days to rest. But I have a lot of homework to do so I have no time for rest unfortunately. I’m tryin my best and I hope my teacher s understand that. I just have a a lot on my plate right now. In fourth block, we talked about characterization and continued reading the Fences 

We won!!

 Today was a boring and bit stressful day. I’ve been really tired lately. Now really sure what’s going on honestly. Anyways, we won today! Softball! I’m honestly happy this win cheered me up a lot cause I’ve been feeling a little down lately. In fourth block, we continued reading Fences and answering questions 

Rough weekend

Today was a very boring and tiring day. I wasn’t feel good this weekend and I’m still having the after effects of it. I’ve been feeling really sleeping in almost every class. Today in fourth block, we talked about race and the economic. I never knew we had so many white neighborhoods in Atlanta. I think that’s because I never really go outside my area I’m familiar with. Hopefully I get to learn more about it because I’d like to see all Georgia has to offer. 

Pretty good

 Today was a pretty good day. I’ve felt tired for most of the day but that’s normal. I didn’t feel too overwhelmed or stressed today. It was pretty chill today. In fourth block, I finished up some work from first period. Happy today was chill hoping for the same tomorrow 

Another day

 Today was a pretty good day. I was calm and had a lot of laughs with my friends today. I’ve never really realized how much they help me when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed. They help me forget and feel calm. In fourth block, we took a pop quiz on The Rock Pile. It was pretty easy we did it as a class. Today was very enjoyable honestly 


 Today was a bad day. Well towards the end of the day. I’ve been feeling stressed over things I can’t control and blaming myself for them. Sometimes I wish I could take a break and ease my mind but I have so much going on that I can’t. Talking to people doesn’t help very much because all they say is you just have to Leanne to manage your time… AND IVE BEEN TRYING THAT!!! Anyway, in fourth block we answered the questions about the story we read yesterday. And we started our vision board things. 

The Rock Piles new ending

  Father watched John pick up the lunch box and place it in the chair. As the silence in the room grew thicker as they only heard the mother in the kitchen cleaning dishes. "John, now I'm going to ask you one time and I need you to tell me the truth, okay?" John looked at him with a scared look on his face. Thinking about what to say or to tell the truth. "JOHN! WHAT HAPPENED?" father yelled in frustration. "Me and Roy were sitting on the fire escape when we saw the bad boys fighting on the rock pile" John said not looking his father in the eyes. "He said he was going to go down and he'd be back in 5 minutes" John looked at Roy with guilt on his face. "I told him to not go but he didn't listen to me" Father looked between John and Roy. "Boys you know how me and your mother feel about the rock pile?" "Yes" they said quietly. "Ok so I'm going to give you a pass this time but next time..." He p


 Today was a good but tiring day. I enjoyed the day though there were sometimes when I’d get frustrated with something. I’m taking up all these responsibilities and not knowing how to deal with them all. I know the teachers are only going their job but I need small break. That’s really all I ask for but am I going to get that… Absolutely not! Just got to see it through and deal with it I guess 

Sept 12 Bell Ringer

My neighborhood is definitely calm and nice. It’s a good neighborhood for the most part. I don’t like how my neighbors play loud music in their car at 3 in the morning. And I have some other neighbors who just have random parties two times a month. But if I wanted to go out there would be no problem cuz everyone’s cool and respectful. Rockmill Cv 


 Today was a calm day it wasn't too much or too little. In enjoyed today because I didn't have a lot of work and I didn't feel stressed in the class plus I didn't cry today. I just felt very overworked this week. I hopefully the coming weeks are not that bad. In the fourth block, we talked about veteran's. I immediately thought about my grandpa. I've never asked about what he's experienced but I do know that he may have some memories he doesn't like but I glad he got the experience because it made him who he is. 

Sept 9th Bell Ringer

 Veteran's have seen a lot and they sometimes can be afraid of having their loved ones go through any of that. Some veteran's are going to very cautious with the situations in the world. They are definitely more stern with their children. They just want the best for them because of what they have experienced. 

Long day

 Today was a stressful and annoying day. I haven't been feel it lately because i'm dealing with a lot right now. I know its not a excuse but i'm really tired. I feel that there is a mountain on my back 24/7. Everyone's saying I need to get better at time management and i'm trying but I guess my way of trying is not working. In fourth block, we continued working on that benchmark test. It was boring but I did the work cause I needed too. Hoping for better days man. 

Test day

 Today was a very stressful and boring day. I had test in almost every class. I’m not very good when under a lot of stress but it depends on what the situation is. Now in this case I hate every second of it. In fourth block, we took a county benchmark test. It wasn’t too bad but the typing is annoying but sometimes I don’t know what to write. I feel like I go off topic and then nothing makes sense anymore. Anyways, hoping for better days I guess 


 Today was pretty stressful and overwhelming day. I have a lot of tests and quizzes this week. Im very nervous because I don’t want to fail them but I get stressed if I don’t understand a subject completely like everyone else. In fourth block, we watched a film about Emily Dickerson. Her family was something else. She definitely had a different look in life than other people. She was free when she wrote no one to tell her that wrong or to write so no one gets offended. She wrote from her point of view. That’s what makes her poems so interesting because she has a different way of looking at things and they really make you think about life sometimes. 


Today was a pretty calm day. In fourth block, we took a quiz of Emily Dickerson. I have to be honestly her poem are really depressing. They are just on really hard subjects that most people hate to talk about. They kind of make me want to cry sometimes. I'm hating because I find the way she talks about these topics are very different from what I've seen before. You have to really pay attention and read to understand. And that's something I find interesting about her writing. 


 Today wasn’t a bad day but it’s wasn’t a good one either. Today we had a lockdown for fights that were happening in the school. I hate lockdowns sometimes just depends on what class I’m in when it happens. I wish we had less fights but that’s not something I can control unfortunately. Hey, on a lighter note I’m understanding math a little bit more. So exciting for me.