
Showing posts from August, 2022


 Today was a very emotional day. I cried in math and wanted to cry in chemistry not because of bad grades. In fourth block, we talked about falling in love and getting over someone. I don’t think I’ve been in love before but I’ve seen a lot of my friends fall in love and sometimes with the wrong person. Definitely scary for when it happens to me. Getting over someone is not hard but with time it will happen. I think if you take the time to work on yourself and get you back to that happy place you find someone else in no time 

Mental health

 Today was a very tiring day. I’ve been falling asleep in almost every class not sure why I haven’t been going a lot of sleep lately but oh well. In fourth block, we read a peom and it talked about losing your mind and mental health. I’ve definitely felt like I have been slowing losing it. I tend to bottle up my feelings and wait until I can’t take it anymore to cry or call a friend who I trust what’s  really been going on. I n in now this isn’t good for me but I always feel that people are not going to understand or say that I’m overreacting. 

Space and what’s in it

 Based on the evidence from the video, I think there is a possible chance of life outside of earth. I do know that there are a lot of galaxies and what can’t travel far because we don’t know what dangers are out there but I do believe something or someone could be out there. When I saw the picture from Mars, it really makes you think about how small we are compare to almost everything. Hearing the black hole noise made me feel a bit uneasy because it sounds scary. I’ve always knew we were smaller than everything in the universe but it’s made it a lot more real seeing the video, image and hearing the noise. 


 Today was a chill and tiring day honesty. Today in fourth block we read a poem about a bunch of teenagers skipping school to play pool. Mr. Rease asked us if we are or know someone like that. Example, someone who likes to skip school or drink and smoke. I know a lot of people who do that. I try not to judge or tell people what I think we should do in their life. What they do has nothing to concern me unless the involve me or happened to me. I’m a strong believer you should live your life the way you want to but also take time to appreciate life take time to chill away from drinking smoke if you do that. Just be in the moment. Make the best of life because it’s short but enjoyable if you want it to be. 


 Today was a stressful yet calming day. In fourth block, we starting talking about the riots that happened summer of 2020 because of the murder of George Floyd. It just need me start thinking about what was going through my mind at the time. I remember watching the news and seeing people burning cars and getting pepper sprayed. I remember being scared to be a black person in America. I remember praying because I just wanted all the hatred and negativity to stop. Scary times for America but we are getting better…( not really) 

3 appeals

 Ethos: So I have worked really hard over the week and tried of sitting in a class listening to a teacher talk and writing down notes. After, a long week we tend to be really really tired and sleep students sleep in class ( they do that everyday but still)  Pathos: You as a teacher like cool and the student will not be talking over you like always. They will appreciate this “free day”. They may expect us every Friday but tell them if they do their work and are cooperative throughout the week then they could have a free day on some Fridays.  Logos: Having the fours classes that we have students are put down a lot of stress. So on Fridays it would be nice to have time at the end of the day to just breathe and chill. Talking about a few things. 


 Today was a pretty good day. Although I’ve been stressed all week I’m very glad that today felt a lot better than the other days. Today in Mr. Tease’s class we watched a film called “Identity”. We were asked to write what the moral lesson was. I wrote that you should take pride in yourself. You shouldn’t go by what people say. Just do you and be happy you know. In the film, we that people were pulling off their mask to fit that group. I thought to myself that we do sometimes act different around our different group of friends. Mostly because you have different conversations with them and you act on how comfortable you are with that group. 

My Purpose

 I have to be honest I don’t have any idea of what my purpose in life could be but I do know that I have a strong and caring soul/personality. I’ve notice that my friends have come to me to talk about their personal and relationship problems. I’ve become like a mother figure in every friend group I’m in. It makes me think that my purpose is to help people with life and help them understand themselves and the ones around them. I feel that I’m going to help a lot of people with whatever I decided to do in life. This is the reason I want to be a therapist. Helping people understand themselves makes me feel happy about myself honestly. 

Formal v. Informal

 Today was a good day for the most part. In 4th block, we learning about formal and informal languages. For our assignment, we wrote a formal college letter. In my letter I wrote about becoming a therapist. (Which is my dream) I talked as if I was exactly really writing to the college I’d be going to soon. I’ll admit this assignment has made in think more about what I’m going to write on the real letter. Also, to think more about the college I’d like to go too. 


What’s poppin you beautiful humans! My name is Patricia Byars. I currently attend school at Cedar Grove High School and I’m 15 years old. I’m originally from Atlanta. For fun I like to playing video games with friends or play sports. Three of my goals to achieve this school year are to make A’s and B’s on my report card/process report. I want to make sure I understand everything my teachers are teaching as well as questions when needed. And lastly I want to have fun and not stress about schoolwork.