
Showing posts from February, 2023


 Today was pretty good. We had to wear black for the Black History spirit week and I've been cold all day because I'm not wearing a hoodie. My hoodies always keep me warm. Anyways, I'm getting my grades up a lot. I want to pass all my classes this year hopefully. In fourth block today we are going through our source folders and finding whats best for the group to continue working with for now. 


 Today was pretty good. My ankle has been hurting all day. And i know why it hurts but I just get tired of the crutches so I walk on my ankle. I know I shouldn't be walking on it but I just get tired of them. I'm going to do better though because I want to play this tennis season. In fourth block, we worked on finding more sources for our project thing. I have to be honest though I don't really understand what we're doing. But i'm going to stick with it. 


 Today was pretty good. My grades are going up in all my classes. It’s very exciting because I know this year for everyone is highly important. In fourth block, we finished up the rest of the presentations and did our assignment for today 


 Today was pretty good. I have a lot of work to catch up on but I think I can get it done. I'll just have to take it day by day and I know my teacher will let me make up for the work. I just have to explain my reasons for being out. I got the COVID booster last week and for some reason it always makes me feel sick. And I had an appointment for the shots and my ankle. It was like a two in one i guess. Today in fourth block, we presented our powerpoints on black owned businesses. 


 Today was a ok. I slept until 12. My arms are still sore from the shots but I'm doing better. I still feel a little sick but thats ok. 


 I had a doctors appointment today. I got two shots and a COVID booster so my arm is really sore 

What they really think


Valentine's day

 Today was pretty good. I fell asleep in my first period class tho. I didn't notice I fell asleep I just remember my teacher wake up with some papers. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep so I'm not sure what all is going on honestly. I sleep but when I wake up I feel like I haven't slept at all. Maybe I just need to sleep earlier or something cause this not it. I have a lot of work to make up and it can be done but I've sleepy when I come home. I just lay down and fell asleep. I'm working on it tho cause I know if I don't my mom and dad are going to be mad. In fourth block, we continued working on the project we got yesterday. 


 Today was pretty good. I’ve been sleepy since the party thing I went to Saturday. I’ve been wanting to fall asleep in almost every single class. Lucky I didn’t but I was close honestly. in fourth block, we read a Maya Angelou poem. It was about black families and their ancestors. And we got a projects on it. it's due Thursday. 

Jan. 27

 I'm kinda ready to go back to school Monday. I'm a person who likes to be on the go. I can't really sit down for long unless i'm watching TV or something. 

Jan. 26

 Still out. I have to be honest I miss being able to be things for myself. My aunt has had to get everything for me. I appreciate it but feel like im depending on her. (I am but I dont want too if that makes sense)

Jan. 25

 Still out. The swollen is going down a little. It still hurts of course but I'm trying. Oh also I went to my last JV game today even though I didn't play. They played really good! I was so very proud of all of them. 

Jan. 24

 I'm still out of school trying to rest and get better for school and tennis coming up.

Jan. 23

 I've been out cause I sprained my ankle. 


 Today was pretty good. Its been pretty chill all day. Which is amazing of course!! I still have a lot on my mind trying to work out it. I think i've almost figured it out thankfully... I think. In fourth, we read chapter 7 of Wild. It was interesting and crazy. Hoping for a good day tomorrow. :)

A lot on my mind

 Today was pretty good. Nothing too bad happened today. I've had a lot on my mind lately. I'm not saying what it is but its definitely a lot. I've been trying to just work it out so hopefully everyone goes pretty well. I've been missing school because of my ankle. Its getting better but its slow because I haven't been taking good care of it. I really want to play tennis so I have to take care of it if I want to play. In Mr. Rease we were working on finding sources for our essay. Finding them is a lot harder than I thought but I think I can handle it... Hopefully :)