
Showing posts from October, 2022

Fixing my glasses

 Today was pretty good. I had to go and get my glasses fixed today so I missed two classes but I’m not complaining. We weren’t going anything anyways so it’s no problem. Today in fourth block, we started reading “The Color Purple”. The book is definitely interesting. It started with a bang and I’m honestly wanting a happy ending for the main characters. They deserve it. 

Bell ringer and classwork


Getting mad

 Today was a very stressful day. I took a test in math but I think I definitely failed the test. I wish I had faith in myself but I truly don’t. In fourth block, we took a test on the book we read earlier that week. I got a 75 which I’m not mad about I just wish I got a higher grade. I had basketball practice earlier and I got mad because so of the girls were playing too much and I yelled and cursed at them. I guess I just had pinned up emotions so I yelled. I’m not easy person to get mad so I surprised myself honestly. But I’m hoping for a better week next week. 


 Today was pretty good. I had a quiz in 2nd block and I’m not to confident about it. I’m hoping for a 70 and above because I remembered some of the stuff that was on the quiz. I had basketball tryouts today! I hope I make the team JV or Varsity but even if I make JV I’m still going to be happy. In fourth block, we started reading a book but didn’t get to finish it. And we wrote critical thinking questions about the book. And basically just wrote what was important in the book to us. 


 Today was a cold and tiring day. I slept in almost every class. I got done a little more late work but I still have a lot more to go unfortunately. I’m trying my best. Anyways, In fourth block, we read a passage about a dress code in Houston, Texas. They made their students wear inmate jumpsuits when they violated the dress code. I personally think that’s very very wrong because you have to let student express themselves. Because how else are they suppose to find themselves if they are in a box and hide. 


 Today was terrible. I had a really bad headache all day. I didn’t eat much all day. It still hurts right now. I woke up with the headache and I wasn’t feeling good so my mom said to just stay home. Hopefully I feel a lot better tomorrow 

Pep rally

 Today was a pretty good day. It was calm and not stressful. A finished up some work in some classes. We had a pep rally today. It was pretty fun. I’m glad we got to do something because I’m sure everyone pretty much enjoyed themselves. We won the we can be the loudest challenge… (juniors) In fourth block, I take the benchmark. Well exactly I had fourth period for first period cause of the pep rally. So I’d say it was a pretty good week.


  Today we read Birches by Robert Frost. The poem is interesting to me because he worded everything different from what I’ve seen. I understand the poem just a little confused. By the way I see it Mr. Forst wishes to stop life and slow down. And to do that he remember his carefree days. It definitely keeps you on track with what life decides to throw at you. 

Testing day

 Today was a good day. I enjoyed today. Although I didn’t know what was going because of PSAT testing. The classes were mixed up and setting up weirdly. But besides that today was pretty good. In fourth block, we read the other poem by Langston Hughes. We also talked about nationality and how it affects your identity. I’ve never really thought of it but it really opened my eyes to thinking of something new. Really opens my eyes to how I’m being seen when I go outside of the country. 

Exit slip 10/12/22


The day after the break

 Today was a pretty good. I felt pretty calm all day. Which is definitely a good thing for me because I’ve been very stressed the last few weeks. I’ve been trying to distress with playing the game and watching tik tok or YouTube. They help but not really. In fourth block, we read a poem by Langston Hughes. And we talked about advice from our mothers. I get a lot of great advice from my mom so I was definitely interested in this lesson today. 

Thursday before break

 Today was a little stressful because of all the test I had in chemistry and pre- cal. I’m not good at math so I’m hoping I pass both test. I try hard but for some reason I can never seem to pass any test in either class. In fourth block, we presented our poems. I enjoyed class today. So hopefully next week is enjoyable as this one has been 



Ready for fall break

 Today was a okay day. I’ve been laughing with friends all day which is good but I’ve also been very tired. It’s a daily thing now unfortunately. Been trying to get more sleep but nothing seen to be working. In fourth block, we worked on our poems. As I’m writing my poems I notice i only write good when I’m emotional or upset. I guess that good but I get bad writers block. But I’m pushing through so I’m good. 

Ready to go

 Today was a good day but I’ve been very sleepy all day. I slept a small amount of time in first period but I wake up for the work period but my mind was still asleep. Throughout the day it’s been slowly wake up but I’m still very tired. I’m fourth block, we read the last bit of Fences. The book was really good. Books like that really open my mind to different things. We did some questions and talked about different things. I’ll say today was pretty good all around honestly.